Indiewebifying this site – Learning with Moocs
Roland, Learning with Moocs, Nov 12, 2018
So I installed the IndieWeb plugin and it authenticates me on Indielogin – I only had to enter my domain name Also other members of the IndieWeb-universe were able to comment on this site just by commenting on their own site. So far so good, but it’s still useful to consult the Getting Started […]

So I installed the IndieWeb plugin and it authenticates me on Indielogin – I only had to enter my domain name Also other members of the IndieWeb-universe were able to comment on this site just by commenting on their own site.

So far so good, but it’s still useful to consult the Getting Started on WordPress on They suggest a handy testing tool,

Several things were not functioning as they should. The explanation is not always easy to follow for a beginner, for instance: “A h-card was found on your site, but it’s not marked up as the representative h-card! Add a u-url property which matches a rel=me link on the same page so this h-card can be identified as the h-card which represents the page.” Rather than complaining, I studied the tutorial.