Lrng + Badgr: Unlocking Opportunity Through A Shared Digital Backpack

Stephen's Web ~ OLDaily, Dec 19, 2018
Commentary by Stephen Downes

Connie Yowell, Wayne Skipper, LRNG, Dec 19, 2018 This announcement portends a developing ecosystem outside the traditional LMS infrastructure. LRNG - which recently merged with Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) - allows cities to create an openly accessible network of learning and employment opportunities accessible to schools and youth (see here). It has announced a partnership with Badgr to support awarding badges and displaying badges. "This partnership will allow LRNG users to curate badges from various sources, then share them out selectively." Additionally, "we’re working with Classcraft on an API that has allowed their educators and classrooms to access LRNG’s playlists." Classcraft allows teachers to  "create self-paced, personalized learning adventures for students out of existing lessons." Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]
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