Course Videos

Elearning 3.0 - Introduction Oct 11, 2018 video Introducing E-Learning 3.0 with Stephen Downes URL:

In Conversation with George Siemens Oct 21, 2018 Stephen Downes and guest George Siemens get together for a conversation on how we got to this point in the history of e-learning. URL:

Personal Learning vs Personalized Learning: What Needs to Happen Oct 21, 2018 Online Learning 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Contact North. This special briefing explores personal learning as the future of learning, explores why it's important, the tools which enable personal learning and the significant potential of personal learning as a key to life-long learning and the skills agenda. URL:

E-Learning 3.0 Oct 21, 2018 Launch of E-Learning 3.0 and outline of the core concepts. URL:

AI in Education Symposium - Introduction Oct 22, 2018 video Artificial Intelligence and 21st Century Education in Ottawa, my brief introduction and posing of a problem. URL:

Conversation with Shelly Blake-Plock Oct 24, 2018 video Week 1 of E-Learning 3.0 with Shelly Blake-Plock, Co-Founder, President and CEO - Yet Analytics. URL:

Installing gRSShopper on Reclaim Oct 24, 2018 video Demonstration in real time showing how to install gRSShopper on Reclaim Hosting URL:

E-Learning 3.0 - Data Oct 26, 2018 video Oveview of the role of data in E-Learning 3.0 and how this will impact how we learn in the future. URL:

Applications, Algorithms and Data: Open Educational Resources and the Next Generation of Virtual Learning Oct 29, 2018 video Using examples such as virtual containers and actionable data books, I sketch the future for the next generation of OERs as a distributed and interactive network of applications, algorithms and data. My presentation starts at 1:18:00 in the video. URL:

Using OPML Oct 29, 2018 video Quick (13 minutes) description of how to use the E-Learning 3.0 OPML feed (at ) to collect the list of feeds being shared by course participants and read all their new poss in your feed reader - I demonstrate how to import OPML for both Feedly and for gRSShopper. URL:

Harvesting Feeds on gRSShopper Oct 29, 2018 video A quick look at me approving feed and harvesting them. This is the manual process; it can all be automated, as I'll show in a later video. URL:

Conversation With Tony Hirst Oct 31, 2018 video We covered server virtualization with an in-depth look at using Docker to launch full web applications in just a few moments, and then looked at embedded programs in Jupyter notebooks, tying it all together with a discussion of how these might be used in the future. URL:

Conversation with Ben Werdmuller Nov 08, 2018 video Now working with Unlock, Ben Werdmuller co-founded Elgg and Known, worked on Medium and Latakoo, and invested in innovative media startups to support a stronger democracy at Matter. We talked about blockchain, decentralized applications, indieweb, and how people can have their own online presence. URL:

E-Learning 3.0 - Graph Nov 10, 2018 video The graph is the conceptual basis for web3 networks. A graph is a distributed representation of a state of affairs created by our interactions with each other. The graph is at once the outcome of these interactions and the source of truth about those states of affairs. URL:

Conversation with Maha Bali Nov 14, 2018 video A wide-ranging discussion of a conversation with Maha Bali, Associate Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning & Teaching at the American University in Cairo (AUC), and co-founder of Virtually Connected, on topics related to identity. URL:

Identity, Keys and Authentication Nov 15, 2018 video In this video I talk about proving our identity in the digital world with physical keys, public and private keys, and Keybase. And I connect it to the idea our our identity as a graph. Note: this isn't 100% authoritative and may contain errors. Links to better (= accurate AND clear) guides would be appreciated). URL:

E-Learning 3.0 - Identity Nov 18, 2018 video Identity is one of the deepest issues in philosophy and one that runs through the history of education like a single thread. It can seem esoteric, but some of the problems it raises can touch home very quickly. How do we know someone is who they say they are? URL:

How Open Education Can Change the World Nov 19, 2018 video I define and explore the application of open education and open educational resources (OER) to peace, reconciliation and development in Colombia. I describe how new technologies have made possible new ways of learning, and how we can work together as a community to teach ourselves, thus allowing each person the voice and opportunity to play a meaningful role in society. Slides are here. URL:

Conversation with Sukaina Walji and Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams Nov 21, 2018 video We look at the topics of open educational resources and open practices, consider some of the challenges around reuse of OERs, and discuss the potential of new resource networks (like the distributed web) to address those challenges. URL:

How to Install IPFS on Windows Nov 22, 2018 video This video demonstrates how to download and install IPFS on windows using PowerShell. For the Resources Module of the E-Learning 3.0 course. URL:

How to Add a Website to IPFS Nov 22, 2018 video This video shows how I used my previously-installed IPFS node to upload a website to IPFS. It also explores the IPFS Companion plugin a bit more and shows how now everything is working perfectly just yet. URL:

Installing Beaker Browser and Creating a Page on the Decentralized Web Nov 22, 2018 video In this video I install the Beaker Browser, a browser that accesses the decentralized web using the dweb:// protocol. After installing and exploring a bit we create our own site on the dweb using the Beaker browser. URL:

Sharing Dweb Content with Dat Nov 22, 2018 video In this video I work with Dat, a node application that creates a Dweb node and shares files, websites and data across the distributed web. A bit long, not everything works, but a way to watch the process in action. This video is an hour and 24 minutes - I could have made it a lot shorter but I wanted to show the thinking process as I worked with this. URL:

Conversation with Viplav Baxi Nov 28, 2018 video Viplav Baxi joined us for week 6 of E-Learning 3.0. He is currently Director - Product and Digital Transformation at Oxford University Press in New Delhi, India. We talked about resources, the role of MOOCs in education today, his new 'WhatIfEdu' project, testing, badges and recognition, and community. URL:

E-Learning 3.0 - Recognition Dec 04, 2018 video This is a video summary of the Recognition module in E-Learning 3.0 - it expands a bit on the article and discusses how we can look at existing approaches to recognition - things like competencies and badges - lead us to examine some of the assumptions underlying learning, and to project a new approach to recognition in next-generation e-learning. URL:

Conversation with Pete Forsyth Dec 05, 2018 video Week 7 of E-Learning 3.0 with Pete Forsyth, Editor in Chief of the Signpost, a community newspaper covering Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement., and serves on the Advisory Board of the GLAM-Wiki U.S. Consortium. We talk about how Wikipedia approaches questions like managing fake news, reaching consensus, and managing content. URL:

Distributed Ledger Technologies like Blockchain…looking under the hood Dec 06, 2018 video As part of the E-Learning 3.0 course, I take a look at the technology underlying digital currencies like Bitcoin. The talk covers how blocks are constructed, how consensus is established, applications of blockchain, coins, digital wallets, distributed applications, frameworks, and issues related to blockchain. URL:

Dialogue on Community Dec 12, 2018 video We had a a free-for-all debrief on the consensus Task assigned for this module. It raised a number of issues and even the suspicion that I was playing a game with course participants. I wasn't, really, but I think it will be interesting to reflect on the ways the Task could have been completed. URL:

The World Beyond the Word Dec 13, 2018 video Visit this page for both slides and video. In order to manage the deluge of data produced by modern technology, a rapidly changing society, and challenging environmental and economic systems, we need to relearn what we understand as social and scientific literacy. The students of today and the innovators of tomorrow will speak languages we barely recognize today. What are the fundamentals of these new literacies, how do we learn them and teach them, and how do they redefine innovation in the future? In this talk I describe a future in which learning is a creative act and give an overview of the environments and technologies that will be needed to support this learning. URL:

Conversation with Amy Burvall Dec 16, 2018 video After 25 years in K-12 education, Amy Burvall is currently consulting, creating, and curating in the fields of creativity, visual thinking, and digital literacies. She joins us in week 8 of E-Learning 3.0. URL:

Creating and Awarding a Badge in gRSShopper Dec 16, 2018 video n this video I show how I use gRSShopper to create a task, then create a Badge, upload the badge image, associate the badge with the task, create the Badge on Badgr, read RSS feeds of student contributions, award them a badge in the RSS reader, and have the badge save on Badgr, get sent as a WebMention, and registered in the gRSShopper badge blockchain. URL:

Conversation with Silvia Baldiris and Jutta Treviranus Dec 18, 2018 video For the last week of Learning 3.0 we had a conversation with Silvia Baldiri, who works with the Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco (Colombia) and Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (Spain), and Jutta Treviranus, Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) and professor at OCAD University in Toronto. We talked about inclusive design, agency and the Social Justice Repair Kit. URL:

What Peace Means to Me Dec 20, 2018 video The only path toward peace and freedom from authoritarianism is the path that leads toward the creation and maintenance of the civil society. The just society. The caring society. URL: